Age regression examples
Age regression examples

age regression examples

Managing regression in a hospital is resource intensive and can prolong hospital stays. Regression becomes problematic, especially in a hospital, when it is employed to avoid difficult adult situations or stressors. Regressive behavior can be simple or complex, harmful or harmless to the individual showing the behavior and to those around them.

age regression examples

In essence, individuals revert to a point in their development when they felt safer and when stress was nonexistent, or when an all-powerful parent or another adult would have rescued them. Insecurity, fear, and anger can cause an adult to regress. Regression in adults can arise at any age it entails retreating to an earlier developmental stage (emotionally, socially, or behaviorally). Addressing the underlying unmet need in the child usually corrects the regressive behavior. Children usually manifest regressive behavior to communicate their distress. Regression is typical in normal childhood, and it can be caused by stress, by frustration, or by a traumatic event. According to Sigmund Freud, 1 regression is an unconscious defense mechanism, which causes the temporary or long-term reversion of the ego to an earlier stage of development (instead of handling unacceptable impulses in a more adult manner).

Age regression examples